Training Links

Scroll down for links to web sites on triathlon, swimming, biking, running, nutrition, injury prevention and more!


USA Triathlon is the website for the national governing body for the multi-sports of triathlon and duathlon in the United States. provides articles for a variety of sports; covering training, health and nutrition, plus gear!  It’s also an event finder.

Trifind has created the “world’s largest triathlon calendar”; find a race, coach or results.

Beginner Triathlete is full of articles, training plans, reader forums and more multi-sport action.

Triathlete is the world’s largest triathlon magazine and chock-full of articles, reviews and great photos to get you inspired!

XTRI has news stories, articles, race reports is a center for resources, links, results, specific to Duathlon


New England Masters Swimming is the area’s fitness and competitive swimming site for men and women of all ages.

United States Masters Swimming provides information on fitness and competitive swimming to men and women of all ages.

USA Swimming is the official website for the National Governing Body for the sport of swimming.

Walden Pond is a great place for Boston triathletes to swim and this website will give you a variety distances across the pond.

Swimming Maps is a Google Map made up by one of our own TE members listing a variety of places where you can swim around the area, both inside and out!

Fifty Swim Workouts has great ideas for swim workouts, particularly easy to moderate workouts.

Total Immersion Swimming  teaches an efficient swimming technique so swimming can be enjoyable.  Check out the “Free Stuff” link to see if it’s right for you. has a swimming section on start and turn techniques and tips has a helpful wetsuit FAQ. Check it out if you’re in the market for a wetsuit.


USA Cycling is a great web site with lots of useful cycling information.

Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition works to keep our roads safe for cycling.

Charles River Wheelmen is a group of cyclists in Boston that do weekly rides and social events.  Their site has maps of bike rides of varying distances all over the area.

Northeast Bicycle Club is a group that does rides every night of the week!  They welcome everyone to join them, and even have a women’s only paceline ride.

Bike Reg is a good source of bike race schedules, results, registration, and articles.

Map My Ride is a website that lets you map out your own rides or follow ride routes that other people on the website have already entered.

Road Bike Review is the latest and greatest road bike equipment. Read reviews and ratings written by consumers themselves.

Mountain Bike is the latest and greatest mountain bike equipment. Read reviews and ratings written by consumers themselves.

Cyclocross is a great magazine covering this amazing racing style (articles, races, reviews, etc.) that many triathletes use as cross-training and as a way to improve bike handling skills.


USA Track and Field New England provides news, links to local running clubs, membership info and more.

Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) has news, links and more. lists local upcoming races, results from road races as well as triathlons, running news, training tips, discussion groups, and more.

Runner’s World is one of the largest running magazines and their website is a great all-around running resource that includes information on training, races, shoes & gear, injury prevention, nutrition and weight loss, and more.

Map My Run is a website that lets you map out your own runs or follow run routes that other people on the website have already entered.

Run-Down Running Portal provides links to events, results, statistics, choosing a shoe, training and more, and you can search the site for any running related topic. provides a buying guide for home treadmills. They researched and tested 65 treadmills, and narrowed them down to the best.

Kids Running is a site from Runner’s World, so you can start ’em young.

Nutrition and Health has the U.S. dietary guidelines for Americans. Includes the ABCs of healthy eating, the Food Guide Pyramid, and more. is the USDA’s gateway to nutrition information.

Healthfinder is the U.S. Health and Human Services’ gateway to reliable health information, including diet, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and physical activity.

The Food and Nutrition Information Center is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The American Lung Association promoting clean air and lungs

The Quit Smoking Community with lots of info on smoking and its effects

Injury Prevention

The American Red Cross of Massachusetts offers first aid and CPR training. Learn these life saving techniques!

Jeff Galloway offers advice on how to run injury free.

The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine  provides patient education materials and tells you how to find a local sports medicine specialist.

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons  provides a breadth of information about sports injuries, swimming safety tips, and rehabilitation.